
Showing posts from May, 2023

People pleaser vs Assertive

Assertiveness Imagine you were promised a promotion by your boss this month, but when you asked him 3 weeks later, he told you to be patient we are trying to sort out some challenges, how do you respond to that? Isn't good to be a people pleaser who everyone likes, because they are selfless, always there to help others despite their needs. Unfortunately, there isn't anything honorable in being a doormat for everyone to step on and wipe their shoes. You may think that you are doing people kindness by being a people pleaser however it's the other way around You are harmful and deceptive to your colleagues, boss, classmates, teacher, friend, wife, parent, and even your child.  Instead of being a people pleaser or arrogant and a brute you can rather be assertive and speak your mind when it is appropriate, tell people the truth which may sting for some people but at the end of the day it helps everyone and it increases the bond between you and them because they see you as a genu

Why You Have Impostor Syndrome And The Best Way To Deal With It

Imposter Syndrome Are you a fraud, did you deserve these marks, promotion, partner or success you're enjoying, how long would it take for the other person to catch you red handed and take it all back. Maya Angelou said: "I have written 11 books, but each time I think, 'Uh oh, they're going to find out now. I've run a game on everybody, and they're going to find me out. Introduction Impostor syndrome is the feeling that you either don't have the requirements, credentials, skills, talent, accomplishments, wealth, family name to carry out a certain activity like learning, presenting, fulfilling a task or a project at work, promotion, titles,  starting a business, writing a book, asking someone you fancy for a date, being a parent, etc. It has the potential to stop us from trying out new things and forcing ourselves to grow and develop rather it makes us appear lazy, scared, incompetent, undependable and worse off it makes us believe all those negative things a

12 Simple Ways To Conquer Anxiety

Anxiety One in three individuals in the world suffer from anxiety.  Mark Twain said "I have had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened” While the 19th century philosopher Soren Kierkegaard called anxiety the dizziness of freedom Definition What Is anxiety and is it abnormal and why is it on the rise, in fact why shouldn't you be anxious with all that is happening in life, whether economical, occupational, political or even relational challenges we are facing day in day out empowered by news and social media. Anxiety is defined as an emotion which presents with intense dread due to anticipated calamity and uncertainty in any aspect of life. So as per this definition anxiety is the fear of future possibilities and the consequences of the choices we make, like the despair which happened during the covid-19 pandemic. Now anxiety is quite different from fear because fear is a natural response to a real threat and not a future one.  Everyone gets anxious especial